Oldest known human bone has been discovered in Saudi Arabia

Oldest known human bone has been discovered in Saudi Arabia

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Oldest known human bone has been discovered in Saudi Arabia

Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, the chairman and president of the Board of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH), recently announced the groundbreaking discovery of ancient bones during a speech at the French Académie des Beaux-Arts.

According to laboratory researchers and archaeologists, the bone was the middle part of a finger from a human being who lived 90,000 years ago, the oldest human remains ever discovered in the Arabian Peninsula.

Al Naslaa B Source:saudi-archaeology

Reported to the Committee, this finding has been an important phase in research carried out by Saudi and international units.

It was also thought to be an essential accomplishment for the Saudi investigators who took part in these operations, and one of the most crucial conclusions of Prince Sultan’s assistance and patronage of archaeology in the Kingdom.

the Middle East’s oldest human bone

The finding of the bone in the Tayma governorate in Tabuk came as a result of a scientific project implemented by the authorities in conjunction with Oxford University and a number of attentive entities in the Kingdom, including University Hail, King Saud University, Saudi Geological Survey, King Abdulaziz for Science and Technology (KACST), and Aramco Company.

Al Naslaa backside

The project is related to the Green Arabia Conference, which is the Saudi-British undertaking for examination and diggings that commenced in 2012 to utilize environmental-archaeological examinations of many historical locations within the Kingdom.

The primary goal was to survey the likelihoods of enlargement or extermination of animal and human troops, and their adjustments to living conditions.

The undertaking has come through setting consecutive dates for countless fossil and historic sites that go back 500 years.

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